Are you interested in improving health and happiness of your own and your beloved ones? If the answer is YES, then I invite you with my heart to take part in
The Open Heart
healing workshops, sastangs
Conducted by:
ENERGY THERAPIST Włodzimierz Kęsiak
& Bożena Korsak – Twin Souls
Włodzimierz is a spiritual healer, empath, psychic, guide, phantom surgeon, certified bioenergy therapist, nature therapist, certified massage therapist. He has an advanced heart perception. He helps people with changes, transforming the so called old energy-type into the new one, preparing them to step into the New Reality. He has been a healer for 30 years. He works on the surface of mind-body-psyche-consciousness. Since the early childhood he could see previous incarnations, trauma, seals etc.
For over 20 years he has been gaining knowledge and experience in releasing people from any negative connections, seals, tensions, blockages, implants, curses and everything that limits the freedom, soul and the free will. Looking back at the previous incarnations and searching for any kind of negative attachments, cords are used to help those who cannot deal with their problems, constantly face obstacles, blockages and illnesses and cannot find an explanation for it. Together with his life partner – Twin Soul – Bożena Korsak (certified bioenergy therapist, natural therapist, pedagogue and certified massage therapist) they run healing workshops and satsangs.
The aim of the therapy is to heal in the fields of Love using the “Open Heart”, where in every participant the channel connecting with the spirit Light is activated, the Primal Records from the Original Plan of Creation are restored, the Karmic and energetic nodes are erraced and body, mind, soul and the existential space are slowly being healed.
The effects are (through increasing the energetic level) unblocking and releasing everything that prevents us from health, harmony, happiness and abundance in partnership, personal, professional and family life… which in consequence leads to gradual release from problems and limitations that disturb our harmony, e.g. traumas, illnesses, fears, stress, pain, neuroses, life failures, depression, curses, possesions, hauntings, existential failures, insomnia, negative karma (karmic relationships and karmic nodes), addictions, negative people and energies etc.
Above all, the therapy helps with reviving the
Self Healing power of the mind, body & soul
- you are looking for specific help and assistance, guidance how to transform negative energy and make changes in your life and you wish to work on yourself, your painful identity, blockages, patterns, codes, problems, illnesses…
you are looking for answers concerning your existence, you have been through a lot in your life (trauma, break-ups, losses)…
your personal, family, professional life or partnership leaves much to be desired; you feel lonely or lost in life…
you are looking for support, guidance, new life perspective or you want to leave your painful past behind and start living a new life, be able to finally breathe and enjoy your life…
Then the Open Heart Therapy help you:
- how to find the right path of fate and you will know how to move on it in the future…
- how to spread your wings and how to be yourself and not stand still or not lose right path in your life.
If you feel a need in your heart, then intuition will lead you right here!
For more information about us visit: www.terapiesercem.pl
Organizer of the meetings:
Aleksandra Ufniarz
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